GI HawkeyeTM

GI HawkeyeTM

As an organized group of central readers in Gastroenterology for studies involving inflammatory bowel disease, we have recognized the importance of a dedicated recording software for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. GI HawkeyeTM was developed recognizing the needs for certain safety checks for the endoscopists while reducing the workload at the site. This software helps ensure a standardized high quality video available for immediate digital upload.

This software has been designed specifically for endoscopic video recording used in research protocols. GI HawkeyeTM can be tailored to the specific study in question to ensure the completion of mandatory fields, correct video acquisition and that proper segmentations are obtained. As a result, the software has been used also for recording other endoscopic evaluations such as nasal endoscopy.

For further information please contact us.
